The Story of Mothers and Daughters

The Story of Mothers and Daughters is an epic work of three award-winning filmmakers. The tale of today’s women, told by today’s women. A drama filled with mystery and beauty, pain and pleasure, tragedy and humor.

This film is an awe-inspiring event that probes the powerful connection between Mothers and Daughters, Daughters and Mothers of privilege and of poverty; of every race and age; in rural settings and urban environments. The Story of Mother and Daughters follows the Mother/Daughter drama in all of its mystery and beauty, pain and pleasure.

This is a story that has never been presented in such a poignant and powerful manner. The Story of Mothers and Daughters showcases the most critical of human connections. This presentation examines the real roles inside the family and makes a powerful contribution to this passionate and contemporary debate.


1 x 1 Hour

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