Benny Hill's World Tour: New York

New York's Times Square, Central Park and South Street Seaport are just some of the backdrops for the comedic hijinks of Benny Hill in his original one-hour comedy special, "BENNY HILL'S WORLD TOUR: NEW YORK!"

Shot on location in New York City, this hilarious one-hour special features original comedy sketches that include: Hill rapping; a Hill's eye view on "How to Pick Up A New York Woman; a special take-off on the Tennessee Williams classic "A Streetcar Named Desire”, and many more!

Hill is joined in his tribute to New York by legendary comedian Joey Faye and actress Lee Meredith. This is Benny Hill's last special for television, filmed just prior to his untimely death. It serves as a tribute to the legendary comedian known the world over.

"BENNY HILL'S WORLD TOUR: NEW YORK!" is a DLT Entertainment/UK Ltd. Production.


1 x 1 Hour

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