The Saint

“The Saint,” a series of six two-hour, action packed adventure movies, is guaranteed to keep audiences on the edge of their seat. Simon Dutton stars as the suave, debonair, ladies’ man, Simon Templar – alias, The Saint – who regularly finds himself in exotic locations embroiled in love, mystery and intrigue.

The 6 two-hour movies include:

In broad daylight a baby is abducted from her pram in London’s Knightsbridge. Hot on the trail, The Saint uncovers an underground ring of child smugglers, which spans three continents.

Set against the romantic backdrop of Paris, a priceless blue sapphire - once the possession of the Russian Czars - is set as bait to trap a murderer and thief who mixes with the cream of high society.

The Saint arrives in Australia to investigate the strange disappearance of the daughter of a Chinese client. The trail leads to suspicious goings-on at an amusement park.


6 x 2 Hours

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