Elvis: In The Beginning

In 1954, a nineteen-year-old kid from Memphis set out on an adventure through the back-roads of America with a two-man band, a pink Cadillac, very little money, and a dream. That kid eventually became the legend we all know as The King of Rock-n-Roll, Elvis Presley.

ELVIS: IN THE BEGINNING follows Presley on tour during his first year of his career. This one-hour documentary, hosted by A & E’s Jack Perkins, takes us back to 1954 and follows a young Elvis with his honky-tonk band. Along with guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black, they drove 4,500 miles of highway and performed more than 270 “one-nighters”. It was a time of hard work, low pay, and no guarantee of success, but the trio was driven by their lead singer’s youthful enthusiasm and energy. From their first appearance at an opening of a Memphis drug store to an inauguration of a new air conditioner at a lodge in Biloxi, Mississippi, this documentary gives a unique view of Presley’s humble, yet interesting beginning.


1 x 1 1/2 hours

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