21st Century War Machines

The machines and weapons designed to fight the 'full on' heavy metal wars of the 20th century now face a grim challenge: they must adapt or die.

Today, the armies of the world operate in 'low burn' guerrilla conflicts - often in urban environments where civilian casualties must be avoided at all costs. Are today's enemies gaining ground against the cutting-edge military might of the West? And how can the designers and manufacturers of 21st century war machines counter these ever growing threats?

Renowned military analyst Simon Pearson provides a fascinating insight into warfare technology - past, present and future - and expertly guides this five-part series through the origins of Main Battle Tanks, Attack Helicopters, Missiles, Fighter and Bomber Aircraft, and Artillery right through to today's state of the art 'Digital Battlefield/

We hear from the makers and users of the military technology whilst also investigating the history and the future of man and machine in combat. Supported by spectacular action-packed footage and intricate 3D computer-generated imagery, "21st Century War Machines" both poses and answers many questions on this extremely topical and important subject and is a must have for anyone interested in military history.


5 x 1 Hours

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