The Boer War

Journey back in time to a different age, when the sun never set on the British Empire and her armies were great in number, yet poorly trained. The Boer War was a turning point in British military history and would revolutionise tactics, battlefield strategy, equipment and training.

The discovery of bountiful gold mines in the Transvaal in 1886 ensured that the control of southern Africa would become a keenly contested issue. Britain, centre of a booming Empire and beneficiary of a network of colonies around the world, pressurised Paul Kruger’s Transvaal government to allow it a degree of control, backed up by the threat of war. In 1899 those threats were carried out.

Discover how bands of untrained Boer commandos fought against the might of Britain’s armed forces on the sun-baked veldts of Africa’s southern point, forcing the British army to re-think tactics that had been used for centuries. It was a conflict that would claim tens of thousands of lives and leave both countries scarred and wounded.

With rare archive footage, photographs and illustrations from the time, this incredible documentary reveals the full story of the Boer War as never seen before.


1 x 1-1/2 Hours

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