Mouse and Mole

Mouse and Mole has been a labour of love for over 15 years.  It started with the production of 19 five-minuters based on the original Mouse And Mole short stories which were written by Joyce Dunbar in the early Nineties.  The six original books were adapted for television in 1996 by Joy Whitby (creator of Play School and Jackanory) and animated by the late Alison de Vere who based her artwork on the book illustrations by James Mayhew.  The nineteen five-minuters were completed and shown on BBC1 and BBC2 between 1996 and 2002.  They were also shown on the Disney Channel and sold internationally, winning awards and featuring in showings at the BFI.

The Mouse and Mole stories have many different levels of appeal so that adults watching with children are also entertained.  The charm of the stories lies in the endearing friendship of the two central characters played with humour and great skill by Alan Bennett and Richard Briers.


19 x 5 Mins.

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