Dame Edna’s Work Experience

Dame Edna Everage, that Australian housewife megastar and alter ego of actor Barry Humphries, tours Britain and reports on the state of the nation in her new role as Dame of Hearts. As part of her fact-finding mission, she has forsaken her usual celebrity audience and will now entertain workers in their workplaces; a baked beans’ factory is her first stop in her royal progress. Explaining her unusual foray into the world of ordinary people, Dame Edna has revealed that her Swiss bankers have told her that she is now a "Squillionairess" with more money than even she could comprehend. On learning this, she decided that she wanted to " put something back" into Britain. Dame Edna is a stranger to the world of work because of her vast wealth but considers this audience with workers her ‘work experience’. As she edges gently into the limelight for the first time in over three years, Dame Edna will be accompanied, for good or ill, by her faithful but increasingly irritating bridesmaid and companion, Madge.

Dame Edna occupies a special place in the public’s heart and, no doubt, more visits of a similar nature will be demanded in the future. This one hour special is the first in a planned series of seven.

Produced by DLT Entertainment UK Ltd. for the BBC


1 x 1 hour

Produced By
DLT Entertainment U.K. Ltd. for the BBC

Distributed For

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