The Benny Hill Show
The world’s most popular comedian Benny Hill stars in his renowned fast-paced, hilarious sketch comedy series. These zany episodes are packed with all of the classic routines that are loved the world over. The master of innuendo serves up a feast of cheeky visual gags, wacky wordplay, saucy songs, and a touch of glamour from the stunning Hill’s Angels, Benny’s very own band of beauties.
Penned entirely by Hill, these programmes feature the full spectrum of his talents: there’s a new angle on pop festivals, a host of ghastly bloopers that could go wrong in commercials, hospital hilarity to set pulses racing, and countless other sketches, songs, and routines. Whatever the subject, you can bet the Hill-style comedy will be inspired, free-wheeling, and, above all, extremely funny. With brilliant back-up from his regular team of Henry McGee, Bob Todd, Jack Wright and Jon Jon Keefe, Benny proves why he is the comedy legend we know him as now!