Too Close For Comfort

Life has its ups and downs for cartoonist Henry Rush, his wife Muriel and the couple’s wayward but gorgeous daughters, Jackie and Sara. This becomes even more so when the basement tenant dies and the girls decide to take over his apartment.

Henry and Muriel believe the arrangement will give the girls a taste of freedom without cutting them off completely from parental supervision. But it’s not long before they begin to see the flaws in their master plan and discover through a whole new set of hilarious circumstances that their daughters are now more “under their feet” than ever.

TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT starring Emmy Award winner Ted Knight and Nancy Dussault as Ted and Muriel Rush, also stars Deborah van Valkenburgh and Lydia Cornell as their downstairs tenants/daughters, Jackie and Sara. JM. J. Bullock stars as Monroe, the Rush’s intrusive neighbor.


127 x 1/2 Hours

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