As Time Goes By Reunion Specials

Dame Judi Dench and Geoffrey Palmer bring their beloved television characters Jean Pargetter and Lionel Hardcastle back to life in two hilarious and heartwarming specials.

The specials pick up some time after where the original series left off and reveal Jean Pargetter’s great anticipation for grandchildren much to husband Lionel’s dismay. With son-in-law Alistair and daughter Judy having problems, things don’t look too promising especially when it’s left to Lionel to convince Alistair to visit the doctor for some tests.

But will Jean’s dream of becoming a grandmother come true when Sandy and her husband Harry return from Canada? Find out what is in store for the Hardcastles and their extended family in these two new television specials.

Produced by The Theatre of Comedy in association with DLT Entertainment UK Ltd. for BBC Television


2 x 1 hour
4 x 1/2 hour

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