Love Loss

A chance meeting reunites Mary and Joe, childhood sweethearts from the 1940s.  But after 60 years apart, is there still love between them?  How have their separate experiences shaped their lives over this long period apart, and is there still time for them to share the happiness that has so long been denied?  As Mary and Joe confront the mistakes of their past and share memories of a previously unspoken love, their reunion appears to take them on a path to happiness.  But the gentle narrative hides a twist that will challenge any preconceptions of love and loss.

BAFTA-winning actors Virginia McKenna and Keith Michell play Mary and Joe in this moving love story of life and death.  They are joined by Diana Quick as Angela, a newcomer to the village who befriends Mary and guides her through this emotional reconciliation and the decisions she now faces.v


1 x 1 1/2 Hours

Virginia McKenna
Keith Michell

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