Hitler in His Own Words

Behind the face of Nazi Germany's awesome military power lay the twisted mind of one man .... Adolf Hitler.

Now, the visions and the desires of the most evil person in modern history are revealed, as this unique presentation lays before his plans for world domination and ethnic annihilation. His paramount aspirations for the creation of a Super Race and a 'One Thousand Year Reich' are encapsulated here - in his own words.

Rare archive footage and authentic dialogue taken directly from the writings, speeches and private conversations of Nazi Germany's revered Fuehrer reveal the lies, treachery, hypocrisy, and the sheer terror of that point in time.

HITLER IN HIS OWN WORDS is an important chronicle of our recent history; a disturbing, captivating and unsettling milestone of recent Military and Political history and a haunting testament of the ultimate corruption of power.


2 x 1 Hour

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