Road To Liberty:
Battle of the Bulge

After the enormous success of the ‘D-Day’ landings, and with the Allied forces now firmly planted onto Nazi occupied French soil, German forces were forced back toward the Fatherland. An end to World War II and Nazi tyranny seemed imminent. But with one last card to play, Adolf Hitler launched the greatest counter offensive in European military history. The world held its breath as Hitler’s armies forged forward again to recover ground, forcing the Allies into chaotic retreat.

For the Allies, many of whom were young Americans with no previous experience of battle, the gates of hell were now wide open. For the Germans this was a desperate attempt to reverse their rapidly failing war efforts – an attempt that so nearly worked.

This documentary special covers one of WWII’s most epic, bloodiest battles with in depth historical analysis and archive footage.


1 x 1-1/2 Hours

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