The History of the VW Campervan

Anyone who has ever driven a Volkswagen campervan will appreciate the appeal of this unique vehicle with its styling and versatility.

Over the years it has given joy to millions of people and is now synonymous with the surfing culture that has become so popular today. But the origin of this legend dates back to a darker time when the determination of Adolf Hitler saw the birth of the iconic Beetle.

By the end of the Second World War, stripped down Beetles were being used as trucks to ferry parts around the Wolfsberg factory but Ben Pon – the first to sell Volkswagens outside Germany – saw its true potential and was instrumental in the arrival of the Type 2 T1 camper van (or bus as it was affectionately known) in 1950. Learn the unique history of this unmistakable cultural icon in this DLT-produced special.


1 x 1 1/2 Hours

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