Three's Company

"Three's Company," is the contemporary story of two beautiful and vivacious young women, Janet Wood (Joyce DeWitt) and Chrissy Snow (Suzanne Somers), who share their Santa Monica, California, apartment with a young man, Jack Tripper (John Ritter), in order to save rent money.

Their landlord, Stanley Roper (Norman Fell), has agreed to permit Jack to share the apartment with the two girls only because he believes Jack's interest in the female sex is strictly platonic. His wife Helen (Audra Lindley), however, knows better and is waiting for the day that romance blooms between Jack and one of the girls. Jack, however, continues to walk a tightrope in regard to the living arrangements. The three find themselves in an on-going process of learning how to adapt to each other, that creates frequent unpredictable situations.

Produced for the ABC Network.


174 x 1/2 Hours

John Ritter
Suzanne Somers
Joyce DeWitt

Produced By
Don L. Taffner

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