My Family

As Time Goes By

High Stakes

Edward & Mrs. Simpson

Escape To The Country

The IT Crowd



DLT Entertainment was one of the first companies to create a special Public Television Division to provide individual stations with a continuing selection of the quality Product their audiences are so eager to watch. Many of these programs have been sold to up to 70 stations and include: Central Television’s Cambodia, The One Game, and Torvill & Dean and the Russian All Stars. Thames programs include No Job For A Lady, Rumpole of the Bailey, Executive Stress, Fresh Fields, Reilly-Ace of Spies, World at War, and Hollywood. A range of programs has also been sold to public television syndication for other international broadcasters and producers.

MY FAMILY is the most watched sitcom of the 'noughties'
Success continues in this decade on UK Gold
My Family represented 53 of the top 100 half hour sitcom episodes broadcast in the last decade with nearly 5 times the number of episodes as the runner up. Read more here.
First time program available locally
The classic drama Edward And Mrs. Simpson, a 1980 Emmy award winner for Outstanding Limited Series was originally broadcast by Masterpiece Theater.
Read more here.
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